Violence is an aggressive force to physically injure someone to get some benefit out of the act. Violence can be caused by frustration, lack of love, an abusive upbringing, and rumors. Violence can take several forms, including assault, rape, or murder. However, violence can never be an answer to anything. Those who have been violent or survivors of violence have all admitted that violence can never be an option. Here we will share some quotes about violence to inspire you not to indulge in violence.
Best Quotes About Violence with Explanation
Allow these quotes about violence to inspire you to seek out peaceful solutions, as violence solves no issues. Read the advice from those who have dealt with upsetting attacks, fights, and assaults, and be motivated to bring peace.
“Great anger and violence can never build a nation.” ~ Nelson Mandela
We have seen wars as the most violent act of humans in history, but being violent can never bring long-term good to a nation. It can seriously harm the country and its future youth.
“Violence is a dark contrast to what many of us still believe in love.” ~ Robi Ludwig
When there is love to bring you peace, violence is not needed. With love, you can win everyone’s hearts. Haven’t you seen those Bollywood Movies?
“I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
Mahatma Gandhi was always against violence because he believed that violence could never be an option to go forward with. Even if it brings something good in return, that is possible in the short term.
“Violence is not merely killing another. It is violence when we use a sharp word when we gesture to brush away a person when we obey because there is fear.” ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti
Unlike others, Jiddu K. believed that violence need not be a physical attack but can be in the form of oral and intangible words. And, it’s true, when you say something, you can not take it back, right?
“Anyone who can give us some pointers on practicing nonviolence more safely and effectively is doing humankind a service.” ~ Ann Wright
Those who take great care of the human race do not indulge in violence. The nonviolent activities and behavior show what they want to do for a better and more effective world.
“Hungry people cannot be good at learning or producing anything, except perhaps violence.” ~ Pearl Bailey
Those who have gone through many hardships, either in poverty or lack of emotional attachment, read it as love; they can never be good to others. They can only bring violent acts out of their malicious brain.
“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.” ~ Isaac Asimov, Foundation
They are cIssac Asimov correctly said that only those who try to infuse violence in society can not take a greater risk, a risk to bring peace through nonviolence.
“To paraphrase several sages: Nobody can think and hit someone simultaneously.” ~ Susan Sontag, Regarding the Pain of Others
Is it not true? If you start thinking rationally and constructively, would you ever be violent?
“Silence creates its violence.” ~ Jeff VanderMeer, Annihilation
When you stay silent in the face of violence, whether it is going on you or others does not matter; surely that rises the violent act. It would help if you stopped it by saying or doing. In many cases, only standing still and doing absolutely nothing has been the main cause of violence.
It is sometimes not your fault that you choose violence. It is the society in which you have been brought up. The more you see the dominance of others, the more you get provoked by that.
“As long as people use violence to combat violence, we will always have violence.” ~ Michael Berg
The more you put violence in inactivity, either to provoke it or reduce it, does not matter; violence will always be there.
“He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom.” ~ J. R. R. Tolkein
Violence will make you believe that only violence is the answer to every question. If someone needs to unveil the truth and see the unseen, they need to go deeper into it without destroying real nature.
“Our fear of violence may have been as destructive as the violence itself.” ~ Hilary bailey
True indeed! Violence is not the only problem we are talking about here. Even the threat of violence, our fear of violence, makes our night darker.
“Moderate strength is shown in violence; supreme strength is shown in levity.” ~ G. K. Chesterton, The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare
Chesterton has nicely put up in the book that we may think violence makes us look cool, make and do, minis t in society. However, those who have not taken the fun path never know what true strength is.
“Peace cannot be achieved through violence; it can only be attained through understanding.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Understanding in every relationship is the truest gem people forget to keep safe. And hence, they fall into the trap of violence. Therefore, if you want peace, find the gem- understand each other instead of being brutal.
Have you gone through all the 30 quotes about violence above? You must have noticed that there is something in common. Whether the person is a politician, a writer, or a journalist, everyone has to give you one special message- Not to be violent, think twice before taking the step in the path of violence.
Final Words
It is easy for those who have gone through many violent tortures earlier in their lives to be violent. However, there is no creativity, pride, or peace in violence. It has been proven time and again in history. Nonetheless, we still face violence in many spectrums of our lives, either in the house, in the office, in the factory, in public places, and how can I forget that one!- the borderline.
Violence has caused more harm than good. And by now, reading all these quotes about violence, you surely have understood it.