A refrigerator is an essential part of your kitchen appliances. No one can imagine their kitchen without a fridge. Whether it’s your dairy products, fruits, vegetables, frozen fruits, drinks, and other perishable items, everything is stored in the refrigerator. It keeps them fresh and safe for a longer time.
Although you might have purchased a high-rated refrigerator, yet it can break down at any time. Besides, neglecting the routine maintenance of your appliances can impact their performance and lower their longevity. Your refrigerator is one of them. If you experience problems in its working, do not overlook and immediately call refrigerator repair professionals.
Here are some of the common warning signs that you must not ignore when it comes to your refrigerator-
1) Increased energy consumption- With the change in technology, recent appliances are made by keeping energy efficiency in mind. So is your refrigerator. But if you are witnessing a recent hike in your electricity bill, it could be because your fridge is consuming more power to work. However, if your refrigerator is old, it’s time to replace the one with a star rating.
But if the noise from your fridge is unbearable and quite detectable, then you must not ignore it. 2) Vibrating and grinding noises- Usually, the appliances in operation make subtle noises that are hardly noticeable. However, loose bolts and nuts can be the reason for vibrating or humming sounds. The dirt and debris can clog the condenser fan, and the compressor can incur internal damages that can result in abstruse noises.
3) Excessive ice-build up If you notice the food going frosty and unusual ice build-ups that are difficult to scrape off, it means your refrigerator is not functioning normally. Mostly, the new generation fridge comes with defrost technology that automatically defrosts and keeps the ice-builds at bay. Despite the defrosting feature, you need to get it checked or repaired if your refrigerator shows frosting signs.
4) Frequent food spoilage- If your fresh food kept in the fridge gets stale even after a day and you experience the same thing happening frequently, the problem is in your fridge. If the refrigerator temperature is set to the required level and it is still not cooling, you need to call the repair technician to look into the matter and fix the faults.
5) Compressor radiating more heat- Not only the refrigerator but also its compressor must be maintained. When your refrigerator is causing trouble, the problem could be in the compressor too. If you notice the compressor being overly heated upon plugging the fridge, it means the element offers more resistance, or the wiring is jammed.
6) The fridge door gasket doesn’t seal- The door gasket plays a vital role by keeping the coolness intact inside. But when your fridge becomes old and worn out, you can see the same with the gasket and its sealing. The air can escape out, increasing the heat inside the fridge, spoiling the food.