Your physical health’s effect on your relationships with your spouse and friends: Conquering your physical health
From my perspective, the most important piece affecting our relationships with our loved ones is our physical health. Our physical health affects our mental health and our spiritual health. Our lifestyle determines our physical health. This involves our daily diet and our daily activity or the lack thereof. If we don’t have righteous thinking and discipline, our physical health will suffer dramatically. If we don’t live a healthy lifestyle, we are going to age quickly with poor physical and mental health. We have to maintain a healthy body and mind to be happy, and our happiness determines how well we relate to our loved ones.
Our body speaks to us 24/7, 365 days a year, and the problem is that we don’t listen. If you feel an ache, feel sluggish, feel a lack of energy, and if you are a little heavier than you would like to be, don’t ignore what your body is saying to you. Get off your backside and do something about it. Our outlook in life is more positive and more God-like when we are feeling good. As we become more negative about life because of our physical health, we become less God-like.
Your mental health’s effects on your relationships with your spouse and friends: Conquering your mental health
It is a snowball effect in that our physical health affects our mental health, affecting our spiritual health. All of this affects our relationship with our loved ones. If we are feeling good about ourselves, we will be more caring and compassionate with our spouses, family, and friends. Aside from personal and employment issues, our mental state is closely related to our physical state. So, it benefits us to make every effort to stay healthy physically and mentally. Our physical and mental health will help us deal better with any stressful situation from our daily interactions. Keep in mind that time is not on your side because if you are procrastinating about when you will start some form of exercise and make changes in your lifestyle, you are kidding yourself. The longer you put off getting your body and mind in shape, the worse your situation will get. The healthier you are mental, the healthier you will be in your daily interactions.
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Your spiritual health’s effect on your relationships with your spouse and friends: Conquering your spiritual health
For the love of God, anyone who is reading this article, if you are active physically, mentally, and spiritually, please continue to do so, and if you are not active physically and mentally, do yourself a favor and become more active because you don’t want to die a slow death physically and mentally in your golden years. Do this for yourself and your loved ones. The culmination of your physical and mental health is your spiritual health.
This God-like state of mind is what allows you to live a wonderful life. A life that is full of love caring, and compassion is spiritual. This is what Jesus’ teaching was all about. It is the feeling of loving life, respecting life, treating everyone and every living being with reverence that makes us spiritual beings in the likeness of our creator. It makes no difference whether you attend a house of prayer every week or not as long as you meditate/pray in your secret place (the kingdom within) and keep a constant relationship with God in your own way. Your spiritual health will determine the health of your relationship with your spouse, your children, your friends, and your community.