Internet dating sites are an increasingly popular way to make new friends or even a life partner. Many marriages have been formed as a result of relationships formed on such websites. In this article, I’ll share some tips on how to achieve the best response when joining one of these sites.
1. Choose a memorable Screen/User Name that describes some distinctive and positive aspect of yourself. For example, “FireFighterGuyinSeattle” or “IrishBlueEyedGuyinSeattle” would be good choices, whereas tired old cliches containing little information such as “BuffDude,” “Sexygirl,” or “LonelyGirl” wouldn’t be. Remember, your screen name is one of the very first things that other members of dating sites see, and first impressions count!
2. Most dating sites also allow you to write a tagline, which as with your Screen/User Name, is one of the most important tools in making a strong first impression and selling yourself. You want to aim to create a one-sentence teaser that targets your audience and focuses on something that you want to draw attention to. As with Screen/User Names, you want to avoid tired cliches which say little such as “Looking for a nice guy” or “Are you the one?”
3. Your picture is also fundamental, and you may wish to consider getting professional photographs taken – I believe that you will find it worth the investment. In any case, what you want to do is use a recent photograph that presents yourself in the best light. That means wearing appropriate clothes, no silly props, and a picture of you on your own – not a group photo leaving people to guess which one is you – and definitely not a picture with your ex cropped out.
4. Writing a profile is not very easy, but it is absolutely crucial. You should aim for around 200 to 350 words, of which 150 to 250 describe yourself, and 50 to 100 describe the type of person you are looking for. I could write a whole book just on how to write your profile, but for now, let me say this: use the AIDA formula – Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. Attract their attention. Catch their interest. Could you give them a reason to desire you? An end on a strong call to action such as “If you like what you’ve read, don’t just sit there like a bump on a log, you big dummy, send me a message and tell me what’s going on with you!”.
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5. Picking a User/Screen Name, writing your tagline, and writing your profile is not easy. You need to spend some time thinking about them, preparing them, and editing, rather than just going with the first idea that crosses your mind. If you’re struggling for inspiration, spend a bit of time looking over other people’s profiles at the dating site, and see if that triggers any ideas.