When a job seeker says, “I don’t have Internet access” or “I’m not Internet savvy,” it cannot be an excuse in this competitive environment the job market has become. Here are some quick thoughts:
– Sorry, but faxing doesn’t cut it anymore.
– Get an email account for FREE at Yahoo, Hotmail, or Google.
– Go to a friend’s house on the Internet or to your local library because THEY HAVE INTERNET!
– Enroll in a free or sometimes VERY cheap, local “Learn How to Use Internet” classes at Library or community colleges, high schools, etc. – sign up for a $25/class to learn basics of internet terms, navigation, etc. Even Microsoft Word to develop your resume and cover letter.
– Post your resume onto general and niche-specific job boards as well as company portals. Almost all companies post their job openings on their website…so go to a company website, find the CAREERS section, and enter that career section (called a portal)…sometimes, you can even set up an account before applying for a job, post your resume onto that company career account and set up keyword alerts….thus, if you’re a mechanical engineer and they post a job a month later for a mechanical engineer, the company will let you know via this alert to your email, which will allow for you to apply as soon as it’s posted…this can allow for you to be on top of the application list too for recruiters, because sometimes recruiters at companies will only look at the top 100 applicants as opposed to all 1000 candidates who applied (and being one of the 1st to apply, can make you higher on that list, thus in the top 100).
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– Setup Google news and Yahoo news alerts for the word “‘relocating’ or ‘relocation’ and the job seeker’s city or near city’s name” to find companies who are relocating to the job seeker’s area; “expansion” and “growth” to identify growth companies and emerging opportunities for you to seek out hiring decision-makers and recruiters at those companies.
– Review leading online and published newspapers like Forbes and Wall St. Journal to keep up on those growth industries (as well as your local paper).
– Finally (non-Internet related), try to place yourself into growth industries (biotech, nutrition, energy & renewable energies, photonics, and IT) that you can fit into with respect to your transferable skills as opposed to dying industries (textile, printing, apparel manufacturing & general manufacturing such as steel, and airlines).