It is bewildering, is not it, that more than two thousand years after the death of Jesus Christ, Christians retain to show dismal lack of understanding in recognizing of the conditions for man to have eternal life. It follows then that Christians have now not derived the necessary advantages from the Mission. The fact remains anyway that the occasions that occurred inside the Garden of Eden necessitated the Mission of Jesus Christ. Christians need to take note of the truth that Satan had his motive for tempting Adam. Of route, he did not just forestall at that. He took it upon himself to confuse the generality as to the proper understanding of the consequences of the occasions. To hit the nail on the pinnacle, Christians vehemently accept as true that the forbidden fruit changed into not anything else aside from sexual family members. This is bizarre due to the fact the Bible is pretty express on this.
The Bible tells us the purpose for which the LORD GOD created guy. “Let us make man in our photograph, in our likeness, and allow them to rule over the fish of the ocean and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and overall the creatures that flow alongside the ground.” Genesis 1:26. It is noteworthy that following developing guy, the Bible tells us in Genesis 1:28. “God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and a boom in quantity; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the ocean and the birds of the air and over each residing creature that moves on the floor.’ ” It is apparent from this passage that the LORD GOD accords priority to the guy producing and filling up the earth over guy gratifying his cause in the introduction.
The most effective herbal way for husband and spouse to be fruitful, the boom in quantity and make contributions to filling the earth is through sexual members of the family without any difficulty procreation. That policies out abortion, own family making plans, sexual relations between guy and guy, lady and some other lady, and among human beings and animals. The abominable sexual practice by way of humans described as gay cannot be from GOD. Otherwise, He would now not have destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire. If those had been from God, then He would be acting against His very own interest, particularly that guy needs to be fruitful, grow in variety, fill the earth, and subdue it. The LORD GOD is not equivocal in any manner. In addition, there is no shred of proof but that the LORD GOD imposed a moratorium or prohibited sexual pastime between husband and wife at any factor in time. On the opposite, the LORD GOD accorded priority to the sexual activity above the entirety else. What then become the forbidden fruit? We shall get to that during its exact time.
We have now come to the important task we set for ourselves here: Establishing the situation required for Adam and Eve to stay in the Garden of GOD in Paradise. We will move on to set up that it is the equal condition Jesus Christ says we must fulfill earlier than we can enter into the kingdom of GOD. It follows then that nothing has been modified. In reality, the LORD GOD does not change. He says: “I the LORD do now not trade.” Malachi 3:6.
To begin with, what we need to do is to set up the location of the Garden of Eden. The Bible says: “To him who overcomes, I will give the proper to consume from the tree of lifestyles, which is inside the paradise of GOD.” Revelation 2:7. Since the Garden of Eden is within the nonsecular, Adam becomes, therefore, spirit.
We want to recognize respecting the trees is what existence is supposed in the first tree and what death meant in that commandment to Adam in recognizing the second tree. If Adam had eaten the fruit of the tree of existence, he could no longer have died inside the religion within the Garden of Eden. Rather, he could have lived forever. Something ought to be in that tree that would have given eternal life to Adam. Let us discover it out.
What can we recognize approximately everlasting life? Jesus Christ says: “For because the Father has lifestyles in Himself, so He has granted the SON to have existence in Himself.” John 5:26. We realize then that handiest the ALMIGHTY GOD is the source of eternal lifestyles. We can establish the subsequent information:
1. Eternal Life is inherent in the LORD GOD.
2. The LORD GOD grants everlasting existence. Otherwise, you can’t have it.
Also, Jesus Christ says in John 4:24 that the LORD GOD is Spirit. In addition, Paul says: “For for a reason that creation of GOD’s invisible characteristics — his everlasting energy and Divine Nature — had been virtually visible, being understood from what has been made, so that guys are without excuse.” Romans 1:20. In addition, the Bible says: “We understand additionally that the Son of God has come and has given us knowledge, so that we may additionally realize him who’s actual. And we’re in him who’s genuine — even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the proper GOD and everlasting life.” 1 John 5:20. We can then say of the LORD GOD that:
GOD is Spirit GOD is Divine GOD is Eternal Life
Respecting Adam,
Adam in spirit + Fruit of life –> Eternal Life
It will become apparent then that the fruit of existence is the Divine Nature of GOD.
This means that by way of consuming the fruit of lifestyles, the LORD GOD becomes part of man. The spirit guy turns into born of Spirit.
Jesus Christ says the spirit of a guy is born of the Spirit of GOD. John 3:5&6.
Peter says that we take part in the divine nature. 2 Peter 1:4
Paul says that we each emerge as a temple of the Living God. 2 Corinthians 6: sixteen.
Life in the first fruit consequently method Eternal Life with the LORD GOD or, in different words, lifestyles within the nation of GOD.
The 2nd tree was the tree of know-how of desirable and evil. The LORD GOD commanded Adam now not to devour from this tree or else he would die. It seems this tree turned into the communication of the former one. The one offers existence; the opposite brings death. Let us remind ourselves that we have simply installed that Adam turned into in spirit exists within the Garden of Eden. For Adam, activity in spirit lifestyles changed into existence with the LORD GOD. Therefore, death in the commandment supposed the loss of life or stop of hobby inside the spirit existence with the LORD GOD. This led to life with Satan within the bodily nature of flesh and blood, lifestyles doomed to destruction. Let us draw conclusions parallel to the ones we arrived at in respect of the fruit of existence.
Adam within the spirit + Fruit of expertise of excellent and evil –> Life in flesh and blood in the global Satan guidelines
Also, by consuming the fruit of the expertise of precise and evil, Satan has become part of man. By ingesting it, the guy became born of Satan, the primary beginning.
The next factor we need to recognize about the 2 bushes is what every represented. The tree of lifestyles represented lifestyles in the nonsecular and participating in Divine Nature (2 Peter 1:4), which would bring about eternal life. They say that the tree of knowledge of good and evil represented a loss of life in the spiritual and general exclusion from Divine Nature and everlasting life.
The third component we want to recognize about that two unique timber is their factor of difference. The 2nd tree ought to offer us a clue because it became descriptive enough. This tree supplied private knowledge. We have already mounted the fact that those trees were the communication of one another. If the tree that provided a non-public understanding of right and evil become satanic and meant nonsecular demise, the converse of that, the tree of life, become for a divine understanding of accurate and evil except everlasting lifestyles.
We can now sum the entirety up and say that if Adam had eaten the fruit of the tree of existence, he would have embraced Divine Nature and thereby allowed the Spirit of the LORD GOD to endow him with the know-how of desirable and evil and influence his selections in deciding on precise or evil. The result of this would be harmony and eternal life within the religious with the LORD GOD. On the other hand, Adam ate the fruit of the tree of understanding of desirable and evil and received instant expertise to the entire exclusion of the impact on the LORD GOD. This was a rejection of Divine Nature and everlasting life. All of these led to solidarity with Satan in flesh and blood inside the domain of Satan.
From what we had been announcing about the trees, we can establish the conditions the guy has to fulfill on the way to have Eternal Life. Really and virtually, there are best: 1. Man needs to have lively lifestyles within the religion. 2. A man ought to participate in the Divine Nature. Obviously, eternal existence is a spiritual affair. As has been established, death in that commandment to Adam becomes a loss of life to an eternal existence in the spiritual. Sadly, it follows that man is flesh and blood remains dead to the procedure of eternal lifestyles. Therefore, eternal life is out of consideration for a man in flesh and blood. The Bible says: “I declare to you brothers, that flesh and blood can not inherit the dominion of GOD, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.” 1 Corinthians 15:50. But there is nevertheless a desire for rectification for man. The sole cause of the Mission of Jesus Christ is to restore guy to the spirit and, all different matters being equal, come to eternal lifestyles.
In the whole disregard of what the Bible says, many are usually too prepared to say that Adam died within the Garden of Eden because he disobeyed. But this is what the Bible says: “Because you listened for your wife and ate from the tree approximately which I commanded you, ‘You need to not consume of it,’
“Cursed is the floor due to you; through painful toil, you may look at of it all the days of your life…..Genesis three:17-19.
However, regarding the demise in the Garden or the banishment, that is what the Bible says: “And the LORD GOD stated, ‘The man has now grown to be like one of us, knowing properly and evil. He must now not be allowed to reach out his hand and take additionally from the tree of lifestyles and eat, and live forever.’ So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to paintings the floor from which he has been taken.” Genesis three:22&23. It becomes crystal clear that the motive Adam needed to die within the Garden of Eden changed into that he possessed private and now not divine know-how of appropriate and evil. Personal know-how of true and evil leads to self-righteousness. On the opposite hand, divine expertise of right and evil results in the righteousness of GOD. We shall now show from the Bible that that is similar to the teaching of Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ says: “For I let you know that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the regulation, you’ll definitely now not input the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:20. The Bible says in Philippians 3:6 that a Pharisee is flawless in his observance of the regulation. In this regard, the Pharisees had been the restrict of human success. The righteousness in an effort to surpass that is the righteousness of GOD. Jesus Christ says in addition: “But everybody who hears those words of mine and does no longer put them into exercise is sort of a foolish man who built his residence on the sand. The rain got here down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat in opposition to that residence, and it fell with a tremendous crash.” Matthew 7:26&27.